13 February 2015

You may have been aware of some strange goings on at Whitefield over the last half term. We have had mysterious boxes appear, riddles telling us what to do, and children being mixed up into different classes! It has caused quite an exciting buzz around school, especially with questions like, 'Who is the Riddler?', 'What's in the box?' and 'What is going to happen next?'. The children's imaginations have been a delight to listen to!
Mrs. Foster has admitted finally to being a superhero after her secret identity was revealed in the Lancashire Evening Post, who visited us on the day it all began. They were taking photographs of our heros, who were all dressed up to raise money for the Katie Holmes Trust, when the Riddler first arrived in school. Mrs. Foster advertised for a side-kick of her own as the job our a superhero headteacher can be a tough one. She has now appointed two side-kicks and we are looking forward to finding out what they get up to.
Across school we have different groups of children working on different writing outcomes which will have real life audiences. There are film, radio, a website, a graphic novel, a recipe book and film and radio advertisements being produced all on the theme of Superhero's - well we can't have the Riddler getting away with myschief now can we?
We have also had a little help from some pupils from Priory Academy, who have come along to share the experience and help with some technical aspects of the project. They are proving to be great side-kicks!
After half term we have some real life superheros visiting us, along with author Michael Fawcett, who will be working with our graphic novel group on a story which he has started especially for us!
Will The Riddler return? Will Mrs. Foster's side-kicks save the day? Will we have enough pens and pencils to write the words for this epic challenge?
Watch this space...