24 March 2015
It's been a magnificent couple of weeks in school and it seems a shame to be finishing for the Easter holidays when so many great things are going on! But I am sure the children and teachers may disagree wth me!
One of our Year 6 boys, Arya Jogi was in a skiing cometition at the weekend. It was the North West Ski Federation Schools Race and Arya was the only skier from our local area to be in the competition. He came 2nd in the Junior Novices race with only 0.69 of a second between him and the first place - an amazing acheivement, Arya! Mr Huntington is trying to work out where we can put a ski slalem on the field so more of us can have a go at this sport!
Still on the sporting theme, I was delighted to find out this week that Nathan Higham, one of our Year 5 boys has been chosen to take part in the Schools Biathlon Competition at the Olympic Stadium in London this weekend. This is a fantastic achievement and what an amazing location to go to for the event! I can't wait to hear about it all when Nathan comes back after Easter.
I have been asked to update you on the progress of the boys football team. We are currently at the top of the local cluster league and have started the 2nd round of matches. Fingers crossed our form continues and we get to the finals in June!
Our netball team have finished all their league games and have come 4th in their league - well done to all the team. You have played brilliantly and been fabulous sports representatives for our school.
Our tag rugby team have qualified for the area finals following their competition win a couple of weeks ago and the date for this event will be published after Easter.
Our Rock Choir performed in the Last Choir Singing competition on Friday night in a beautiful theatre at Westholme Senior School. We didn't win, but the choir were amazing, singing Firework and Sweet Child of Mine. We really rocked! I had tears in my eyes during their 2nd song as I know did many of you in the audience. I was so proud. I can't wait for our next performance - maybe at the Celebration of Friendship in June? Thank you to all the families and friends who came to the event too - it was great to see you all there.
Parents of children in Year 4 and 5 have received letters regarding the changes to the classes for September. The children have all done their friendship lists and we are close to sorting out the four class lists. As we will have 14 classes for the new academic year, we need a new teacher and I am delighted to say Miss Halalat will be staying with us and taking up a teaching position at our school. Miss Halalat has been teaching in Year 4 and 5 this term. As yet, teachers of year group classes have not been decided but I will let you know as soon as I sort it!
Miss Clough is still going great guns at St Thomas's in St Annes. She's even had to endure an Ofsted inspection! She is staying until the summer and we should know before the end of the year whether she will be back with us in September.
It has been great to see you at parents evening last week and I will see more of you tonight! Thank you to everyone who has put feedback on our vision of Whitefield board or who have emailed in thoughts. The board will be there tonight too for any additional thoughts as well as the parent questionnaire.
Summer dates for your diary have been published on the website and will be emailed to you all today.
And finally, have a lovely Easter holiday! I am praying for some sunshine! We are off in the van to Holland, to a place called Valkenburg which we stayed at for a couple of days last summer. It has a little pool that Milly is insistent she will be in despite the weather, some great play areas, horses, local farms, a restaurant on site and a beer menu (Mr Foster is overjoyed). Have a great couple of weeks, whatever you are doing.