24 March 2015

Image of Summer Term Dates for your Diary

Thursday 16th April - Penwortham Cluster Football Finals, 4pm @ Priory Academy


Saturday 18th April - SATurday School for Year 6 pupils, 8.30am-2pm @ school


Thursday 23rd April - Themed lunch for St George's Day, book your lunch through the school office. Menu will be advertised via the website


Friday 24th April - WWYW day - please bring donations of vegetable seeds, flower seeds, plants or £1: we are rejuvinating the allotments!


Saturday 25th April - SATurday School for Year 6 pupils, 8.30am-2pm @ school


Monday 4th May - school closed for Bank Holiday


Thursday 7th May - school closed for general election


w/b Monday 11th May - Year 6 SATs week and Y2 SATs week


Friday 15th May - Year 1 SEAL assembly, 2.30pm Family and friends welcome


Thursday 21st May - Friends of Whitefield DISCO (more details to follow)


Friday 22nd May - close for half term (don't forget we close for TWO weeks - reopen Monday 8th June)


w/b Monday 8th June - Year 6 residential to Whitehough, all week


Saturday 13th June - Penwortham Gala


Tuesday 16th June - Year R, 1 and 3 sports day, 2pm (reserve date - Tuesday 23rd June)


Wednesday 17th June - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 sports day, 2pm (reserve date - Wednesday 24th June)


Wednesday 23rd June - WRIST Celebration of Friendship at the Guild Hall, 7pm (Choir members and family and friends)


Thursday 25th June - Themed lunch: Teddy Bears Picnic


Friday 26th June - Wear What You Want Day for summer fair contributions


Friday 10th July - SEAL assembly for Reception family and friends, 2.30pm


Thursday 16th July - Themed lunch for the Year 6 leavers, all children welcome, menu to be advertised closer to the date


Friday 17th July - Friends of Whitefield Summer Fair! 6-9pm


Monday 20th July - Year 6 leavers production


Tuesday 21st July - Year 6 DISCO


Wednesday 22nd July - School closes for summer, 3.30pm



