20 July 2015

What a fantastic evening on Friday at the Friends of Whitefield Summer Fair!  It was so great to see everyone and thank you to all the volunteers who have worked so hard to put on such a brilliant event. It really was a team effort and huge thanks from school to Katie and her FoW team. I owe the winner of the weightlifting competition - John Claude Van Damme - a drink (Clarke?!); don't let me forget Clarke!


This week, we have the Y6 final performance on Monday night at 6pm and the Y6 leavers disco on Tuesday at 6pm - Mrs Jefferson has been a star and is providing us with pizzas for the disco event.  Thanks to her and all at Preston Pizza Express for their amazingly kind donation.  If there is anyone out there who works for a prosecco company, the staff would love to hear from you....!


We also have a circus skills event on Monday for all the children in the winning house team - this year the winning team is Douglas!  Look out for pictures on the website.


Well done to all our Reception children who did an amazing SEAL assembly on changes last Friday. I heard there was some raucous laughter on Friday from the parents about Mrs Foster being described as OLD!  Well, I am outraged! I am only 21 you know!!


Other events in school have been posted on the website - please have a look over the summer at all the amazing things our children do at school. www.whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk


We finish school on Wednesday 22nd this week - I will email and post a final blog on Wednesday.  (Milly Foster finished on Friday and thinks it is hilarious that I am having to get up and go to school!)



