22 September 2015

And we can most definately tell summer has ended here in Penwortham! We had a 'wet play' this week! Please can you ensure that your child comes to school with a coat every day as we play out in all weathers unless it is torrential rain and gales.
Some updates from the first few weeks in school:
It was great to see so many of you attending the year group meetings and if you were unable to attend, you should have received your year group newsletter on email last week. There were some areas that needed clarification at a couple of meetings and the teachers are responding to those points as we speak so look out for information coming via email.
Well done to Year 6 for completing their Bikeability training last week - you were all so sensible and listened and learned from the instructors.
And Year 1 had a lovely visit to Blackpool Zoo to start off their topic on habitats. Pictures will be posted on the website very soon.
Some things to note:
I have sent a list of dates for your diary home today ON PAPER! The dates are all listed in my news and on the website but if you have missed them, you can stick this sheet in your diary. The list of dates run all the way to the end of summer, however I will do a reminder at the end of every term so you have the dates ready for the coming term (thanks to Mr and Mrs Whittaker for this).
And I am also trying to work out how to do a link directly to my news when your get the email, rather than just to the webpage (thanks Mrs Cornwell for this suggestion!). Am sure it's easy and is my aim to achieve by the end of the week!!
I was so pleased to see the response to our parent questionnaire which we sent out in the report pack at the end of term. We have had 246 responses so far which is the most we have ever had returned.
Thank you too for all your positive responses and even where you didn't agree with a statement, any written responses were worded with suggestions and I am very greatful for that.
The question which received an overwhelming response in both the ticked box and the comments was the homework question. There were some really good suggestions and some comments saying what you have found good and not so great homework options in the past year! This is our focus for the half term - we are reviewing our policy within school, ensuring there is consistency in approach towards homework and the type of homework across all year groups, and ensuring homework is purposeful and can be child initiated and child-led. We also need to ensure children are prepared throughout the juniors for their transition to high school - when our pupils return to Whitefield after they have started in Year 7 they all say the greatest change and the hardest thing is dealing with the amount of homework they get!
Dates to remember for next week:
Tempest photographers are in on Tuesday 29th for pupil photos
Hutton have their open evening on Tuesday 29th at 5.30pm for any Year 6 (or Year 5) boys who are considering Hutton as an option for high school.