3 September 2015

Welcome back to you all! It was so lovely yesterday to see all the children, families and staff back in school. The children look so smart and refreshed, although I think it was hard for some of them (and us!) to get up yesterday morning!
I hope you all had a lovely summer and managed some family time during the five weeks. We had a lovely summer in the caravan in Luxembourg and France but it was nice to get home (although we are still having to boil water in Blackpool which has been a pain!).
Updates from over the summer are below, as well as some important dates to put in your diary for the start of term:
We welcomed some new staff members to school yesterday - Mr Jackson is a class teacher in Year 2 and Miss Halalat is a class teacher in Year 3. We have some additional teaching assistants in school too - Miss Wilkinson is in Year 1, Mrs Hindle and Mr Birchall are in Year 3 and Mrs Hersey is in Year 4. Mrs Mawdsley has joined our lunchtime welfare staff and we have two new staff members supporting Mark our site supervisor in school - Mrs Collins and Mrs Wilkinson. Phew! A wonderful Whitefield welcome to them all!
Update on Miss Clough, our Deputy Headteacher - she is now working at Moor Nook Primary School as their Associate Headteacher. She will currently be there until Christmas.
Meet you new teachers and see your new classrooms:
We have put dates in the diary for you to come to a meeting with your year group teachers in the next couple of weeks. The teachers will be going through expectations for the year and information that will be found on the year group newsletter regarding homework, PE days, curriculum etc. If you are unable to attend, please do not worry as we will send out the information to you. Your child will also be able to take you on a tour of their room!
Dates are:
Monday 14th September, 3.30 - Year 1
Tuesday 15th September, 3.30 - Year 3
Wednesday 16th September, 3.30 - Year 2
Thursday 17th September, 3.30 - Year 5
Tuesday 22nd September, 3.30 - Year 4
Wednesday 23rd September, 5.00 - Year 6 (please not different time - this meeting will include information regarding Y6 SATs and the Y6 residential visit)
Year 6 children will have the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training commencing Tuesday 15th September. A letter will follow with further details.
Uniform - until the October half term, children may choose to wear summer or winter uniform. We discussed with the children what this entails in our assembly yesterday but if you are unsure please ask.
Yesterday we sent an email to parents regarding Justs clothing selling counterfeit Whitefield jumpers - please ensure you read this email if you have bought from Justs.
Other important dates for your diary:
The Friends of Whitefield AGM is on Tuesday 22nd September at 7pm in The Brown Hare - please come along as we review the year and make plans for the coming year. All parents, friends and family are welcome. If you are a new parent to our school, come and speak to me or to Katie, our FoW chair and we can tell you all about our work.
The first event in the FoW calendar is the return of the quiz and curry night! This will be held on Thursday 8th October at Gerrards Social Club in Lostock Hall. More details will follow.
And finally, if you are missing the sunshine and afternoon cocktails already, fear not - term dates for this year are on the school website and the dates for the academic year 2016/17 will be posted next week!