3 December 2015

It may be dark and gloomy outside but it’s full of fun, festivities and fabulousness (made up word?!) in our school!
The Whitefield Choir were at the Brown Hare on Friday night and it really got us all in to the Christmas spirit. They sounded so beautiful and it was lovely to see everyone supporting the choir and then staying for a drink and/or some food afterwards.
The choir will also be at URC on Liverpool Road for the Christingle service on Sunday (6th) – come for 11am if you want to make a Christingle and the service will begin at 11.30am.
When you are in school with us over the coming two weeks, please take some time to look at the art work that has been created by the children for our Winter theme of Snowy Animals based on the book Say Hello to the Snowy Animals by Ian WHybrow and Ed Eaves.
My heart has melted twice this week – once at the infant corridor when we did the official lights switch on and once when I saw the Year 6 owls made with the handprints of their Reception buddies.
Reminders for the coming two weeks:
This coming week (beginning 7th December) is our production week. You should all have your tickets by now. Contact the office if you haven’t or if you need another.
At each production we will be raffling a luxury hamper so bring some coinage so you can buy some raffle tickets – there were some amazing items sent in on our WWYW day and many thanks for those who sent money too.
Thursday 10th December is our Christmas lunch day followed by a school movie afternoon. Paula and the ladies in the kitchen cook us a fantastic lunch and the staff are all looking forward to wearing their Christmas outfits for serving the children!
On Friday 11th December we are expecting a very special visitor in school and this person will be visiting classes with their class Christmas gifts and he will also be visiting the playgroup. Thank you from all the staff in school to the Friends of Whitefield who have given each year group £60 to buy some gifts for the children – I have seen some great games, DVDs, CDs being delivered!
The week beginning Monday 14th December is party week:
Monday 14th – Reception
Tuesday 15th – Year 1 & 2
Wednesday 16th – Year 3 & 4
Thursday 17th – Year 5 & 6
Children may come in their party clothes that day but please ensure footwear is suitable for playing out.
We also have an end of term party for the Jehovah’s Witness children on Thursday 17th December at lunchtime – am looking forward to those prawn cocktail Pringles again (urgh!)!!
Miss Clough, our ex-Deputy Headteacher will be in school with us on Tuesday 15th December for an assembly in the morning so we can say our official goodbyes! I will see if she can be in school a bit earlier so we can get her out on the playground at 8.50 to do door duty!
A NEW DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: the school council have asked if we can have a festive and fun jumper day on the last day of term. This will not be a non-uniform day, it will be normal uniform but you can wear a fun jumper instead of your school jumper. This could be a Christmassy one, a festive coloured one or just your favourite snugly jumper! I have a very old grey one my mum bought me years ago that I keep stretching so I can still wear it when we have pj days at home!
And don’t forget we close for the Christmas holiday on Friday 18th December at 3.30pm.
Look out for the final news of the year on Thursday 17th December and don’t forget to like our Whitefield Primary School Facebook page so you can get up to date communications from school.