7 April 2016

It’s been a funny old term hasn’t it with our long Easter weekend and now our two week holiday? I know from talking to some of you who work in schools and have children in other schools that this holiday period has, and is lasting for up to 5 weeks. All back to normal next year though!
On that note, the 2016/17 dates are on the school website – please check before booking holidays! And we have a very late Christmas finish this year so please check those dates if you usually plan a Christmas getaway.
A couple of things to update you on:
Grasshoppers Nursery will be operating from Whitefield Primary School site from Monday 5th September 2016. We are so excited about this partnership and have made lots of plans already with Laura and the Grasshoppers team. We will be starting work on the external area leading up to the old coffee lounge room in the summer term. We are sorting out the drainage (at last, I know!), re-surfacing the top path to the gate as well as putting up the fencing for the nursery outdoor area.
We’ll keep you posted on work timescales and if you are not registered and accessing our school Facebook page (Whitefieldprimaryofficial), please do so as this is a really simple way to get messages out to you all quickly.
More information regarding opening times and fees will be coming out very soon.
The playground is having a revamp over the summer term and summer holiday period too. Mrs Willers has been working with Ms Garry and the school council team to budget and plan for an outdoor area that enhances play and learning. They have looked at three companies and one of them will be providing us with excellent playground markings ready for September. The infant playground will also be resurfaced with tarmac over the May half term – thank you to the Friends of Whitefield team who initiated this request and to all of you for the FoW contribution of £3500 to the project.
Plans will be posted on the school website soon.
We are noticing a number of junior children arriving earlier and earlier to school. I am delighted at their eagerness to be in school, however please remember the children are not supervised until 8.50am when the doors open in readiness for school starting at 9am. BOLA use the playground until 8.40am so any pre-school football games can not start until after they have gone in to school.
And on the subject of BOLA, many of you will know that it currently runs as a separate company to school, renting our premises on a daily basis. From September 2016, BOLA will become part of our school so they will be school staff and will follow the same rules, policies and procedures as we do in school. The club is and will continue to be managed by Emma Wilson and will be line managed in school by Ms King, Assistant Headteacher.
Finally, I hope you all have a lovely two weeks and I am saying my Penwortham sunshine prayers for you all. The Fosters are off to a place called Villefrache-de Queyran, near Bergerac in France which is where we left Sterling Knight, our caravan at the end of the summer. It’s raining there at the moment…have a lovely fortnight, whatever you do.