21 December 2016

Mrs Foster’s News – the last one of 2016!
I can’t believe it is the last news of this year. As I get older, the years seem to pass by much quicker!
But I am excited for the coming weekend and week ahead with lots of Christmassy things taking place for The Fosters. Panto on Christmas Eve at Blackpool followed by the Chinese Buffet. And the whole family over for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Must be mad as I am actually really looking forward to it. Three sisters, partners, children, mother….
But from the 27th it’s going to be a quiet one!
I’ve posted today on the website and Facebook the dates for the coming term that we currently have in the diary. Put them on your new calendars or diaries!
We’ve had an amazing couple of weeks at school in the run up to Christmas. All the productions and carol services were fantastic. The children all did so well and it was great to see you all throughout that week and weekend. Your contributions for the Christmas hampers were excellent and congratulations if you were lucky enough to win one!
We raised over £300 last Friday on our Snuggle Buggle Jumper Day for Save the Children. Thank you all for your support. It amazed me how many different types of jumpers there are out there for the children! I don’t think we actually doubled up on a design….!
Paula and the kitchen gang did a brilliant job yesterday in the kitchen providing Christmas lunch for 300 children and packed lunches too. Thank you to all the staff too – you were great waiters and waitresses yesterday and the children loved everyone being in the hall! And thanks to Mrs Allen who organised the men folk on washing up duties!
Tomorrow is party day – Reception children are bringing items as per the original slip that went home a few weeks ago. The rest of the children are bringing a party plate for themselves. Jehovah’s Witness children – Tasha and Alesha have sorted your party.
Remember the children can come in their own clothes for the whole day, just make sure footwear is good enough for playing out. You might need two pairs of footwear tomorrow!
And so far, Santa hasn’t got to Whitefield yet…I have put some sparkles on the playground so he can find us and hopefully he will arrive before Friday…
We announced the house points winner last week and Hodder were the winners for the term! The children have asked for a non-uniform day reward and this will be on Friday 6th January for all children in Hodder (blue PE group). There will be a special treat at the end of the year for the winning house overall so the children need to keep collecting those house points every week!
And finally, we finish for the holidays on Friday at 3.30pm. No after school BOLA that day!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Whitefield.
See you in 2017.