9 March 2017

Mrs Foster’s News 09.03.17
I seem to be starting my news with weather comments at the moment, but I have to say it is just lovely to be coming in to work in the morning with my sunglasses on (this morning was so sunny) and also going home late and it is still daylight. We’ll have the sun cream on before we know it!
Firstly, some thanks for events that have taken place in the last two weeks:
The World Book Day ‘Multicoloured Book Swap’ was a brilliant success! Well done to Mrs Smith for organising it all and thank you to all the children who brought in books to swap. Your comments via Facebook and to myself and Mrs Smith have been lovely so thank you all too. We are going to do it again soon, and we noted the request for a grown up book swap!
Firstly though, we have our Book Fair week that starts on Monday 27th March (the last week of term) – it is a different book fair provider this time. We are using The Book People who offer books at discounted prices so we are excited about what they will bring. Mrs Smith will be sending out information next week once we get the promotion pack through from them.
Well done to the four Y6 children (Keira, Naomi, Leon and Ethan) who travelled to London on Friday with Mrs Willers and Miss Nuttall for a visit to the Houses of Parliament. Your behaviour was impeccable. They travelled with children from the 22 other schools in our WRIST local school cluster and had an amazing experience. I am looking forward to their assembly to the children and staff, letting us know about their day. I wonder if they met Theresa May?
The Friends of Whitefield held another amazingly successful Community Cinema last week. Trolls the movie was so funny! I could listen to Justin Timberlake’s voice all day…
The organisation for events like this takes time and planning and I am always astounded at how smoothly they run. Thank you to all the volunteers who came to set up and support during the movie, and thanks to all the families for speedy pick-ups afterwards.
Our next Friends of Whitefield meeting will be on Tuesday 14th March (next week) at 5.30pm in The Brown Hare pub – all are welcome. We are going to be looking at the finances and what we would like to spend it on in school so if you have any ideas, please email them through to admin@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk with the title FOW SPENDING.
We will also be starting our plans for the summer fair as well as having a chat and a sneaky lemonade.
Miss Nuttall and Miss Ashcroft have noted that we are in need of new netball kits. If anyone out there would like to be our netball kit sponsor, please let us know.
Lots of things happening in school in the coming weeks too!
We have lots of governors in school next week for various activities.
Simon Blake, our chair of governors will be in school all day on Wednesday working with Ms Garry, the School Business Manager to start the production of our new school prospectus. They will be taking photographs and working out formats. It is very exciting! So the children might talk about them being around school all day with their cameras!
Dr Sarah Penman, one of our parent governors and also Head of Science at Hutton Grammar is in Year 5 on Wednesday afternoon to work with the children on their science skills and knowledge as part of our Science Week (see below for more info!)
And the Finance Committee of governors are in on Tuesday afternoon to set our budget for the coming year (April 2017-March 2018).
As mentioned, it is our Science week next week – each year group will be working on their investigational skills for the theme of Changes. Look out for the photos on Facebook and the school website. As well as Dr Penman, we also have Penwortham Girls High School in on Thursday morning to lead their science road show assembly for all the children.
And good luck to out Maths Challenge team who are off to Penwortham Girls High School on Monday for the annual maths competition.
Don’t forget – it is parents evening on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd March – letters will be coming out tonight.
Letters are coming home tonight with all the arrangements for the Alice in Wonderland Year 3 and 4 production.
Year 6 children have all received a letter this week regarding SATurday school – please return the slip so we can get plans moving!
And make sure Red Nose Day is in your diary for Friday 24th March – wear something red, or a shade of.
Phew, think that’s it!
Have a great weekend everyone!