28 September 2017

Mrs Foster’s News
Firstly, I need to say a massive thank you to all of Whitefield community for their help and kind words on Wednesday after school, when one of our grandads had a cardiac arrest on the junior playground.
The quick response from staff and parents was remarkable and I have received a message from the crew who attended the scene who said ‘the quick actions of the people on scene ultimately helped in saving the patient’s life’. I can not thank you all enough for what you did. You were all amazing.
We send our get well love to Grandad Charlie and wish him a speedy recovery.
In other school news and events:
Did you all see ‘our Greg’ achieved gold in the rowing event at the Invictus Games? He even got to meet Prince Harry! We can’t wait for him to get back to us at Whitefield and share his experiences. There’s a link on Facebook to the article.
It’s nearly time for our Harvest Festival (9th October) – from next week we would be delighted to receive any tinned goods and/or toiletries for our Harvest display. Our Harvest will be shared between the Penwortham Food Bank and the Preston Women’s Refuge. We’ll send reminders via Facebook next week!
As part of our on-going work on British Values, our Year 6 children will be learning about democracy as they put in their applications for Head Boy, Head Girl and School Prefect over the coming weeks. As part of the application process, they will be writing letters to state why they think they are the best person for the job, they will be presenting their campaign in assembly in front of the school and the whole school will have a vote. They will also be presenting to the governing body on their work in school during the Spring Term.
A request from BOLA – BOLA use the adventure trim trail/playground regularly throughout the week so can all parents please ensure their children are not playing on it after school from 3.45pm. Many thanks.
Date of All Hallows Open Evening for Y6 and Y5 children is 5th October, not the 12th as previously stated. Thanks for checking Mrs Wilson!
We are continuing to show many families around school who are looking for Reception places in 2018. Please call school to book a tour and share with your friends who have children ready to start school in September 2018.