17 October 2017

Mrs Foster’s News 16.10.17
We’ve had some busy weeks in school since September and it continues next week with parents’ evening meetings.
You should have received your appointment times yesterday (Thursday) – if you have not, please speak to your child’s teacher. You may have some delay if you are Mr Keogh’s class as he has been absent this week with a severe eye infection. He makes a very good pirate though. And Mrs Huxtable’s class will have their parents evening after half term on her return.
There are a number of families who have not returned their parents evening letter requesting an appointment time – dates for these meetings were sent out prior to the summer holiday and again in September, so please ensure you meet with your child’s class teacher so you are fully informed about how they are working in their new year group and what you can be doing to support them at home.
Mrs Huxtable is doing very well following her surgery where a cochlear implant has been put in her left ear. She is home and needs to rest but she is emailing her class and keeping them posted and is missing school and the children terribly!
At the parents’ evenings Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be a board in the entrance asking you to tally the social media you use for communication. As you know, we have a Whitefield Facebook page, but I am looking in to how many families we reach through Facebook (and don’t reach) and also whether we need to use Twitter or another that I have never heard of!
We are again experiencing a few parking and driving concerns around school at drop off and pick up time. I have contacted Penwortham Town Council and the local PCSO’s to ask for support in this matter.
A few reminders though – the entrance to school is not a turning circle nor a drop off point. Being out at 8.50am, I am seeing parents driving in to that space to drop off or turn around and risking the lives of not their own children, but other children and parents trying to cross. This must stop and I ask for your support with this.
There has also been some dangerous driving around school, mainly due to cars parked in places that are not safe for other drivers or pedestrians.
As always, we know that this is a tiny minority of our parents, however we will not wait until an accident occurs and we are taking action. Please can you report any incidents you are involved in or observe to school via email or in person and we will restart our log so that it can be forwarded as evidence to the police and PTC. Many thanks.
It’s Head Boy and Girl elections this week in school. The girls are presenting to school today (Monday) and the boys tomorrow. I’ll let you know the results. It has been a fabulous learning experience in school – the children have been talking about the general election and the similarities between this and our elections. We have also talked about how you will feel if you are or are not successful. And KS2 have been looking in to what is happening in Catalonia and Spain. All of this work forms part of our British Values learning within school.
Fingers crossed we do not experience what is being spoken of in the press, and that Hurricane Ophelia calms down and/or misses the North West of England. But be prepared – make sure all the children have coats in school and correct footwear, however if the wind is bad we will not be going outside.
Excitement in our house this week – Monty Foster is 11 weeks old tomorrow and gets to go out for his first walk with Milly and Mr F! Can’t wait for the weekend and our first family walk.
Have a great week everyone.