18 January 2018

18th January 2018
I am receiving more and more complaints in school regarding inconsiderate and dangerous parking. I have a lovely collection of photographs that have been passed on to the PCSOs and today I have been in contact with the Regulation and Enforcement Manager at Lancashire County Council to voice our commitment and support to their targeted deployment of their Civil Enforcement Officers (see the letter attached).
In the last week I have had a report of one of our grandparents coming very near to being knocked over by a large 4x4 car driving up on to the kerb at speed. Just this morning, another car used our entrance as a turning circle with no regard for children and families behind and to the side of her car.
I have said this before, over the eight years I have been here, your own child is safe however you are putting others at risk by driving and parking in this way.
We all know this is a very small minority of our families; however we need this to stop. It is good to hear that Lancashire County Council are reacting to the messages coming from schools and we have the support of the local PCSOs too. Please continue to let school know if you observe or are a victim of thoughtless, dangerous parking and/or driving. You can do this via email admin@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk or via the contact us tab on the website.
Thank you as always for your continued support.