12 January 2018
Mrs Foster’s News - Friday 12th January 2018
Welcome back to you all! I hope you have all had a lovely holiday. Mine was relaxing initially, it was so lovely to catch up with the sisters and my mum. However, Mr Foster was hit with this flu just after New Year which has been pretty horrible and he is still not fully recovered. I have realised I do not maketh a good nurse…And I realised how much he actually does around the house!
A reminder of the school dates that you need to know for the coming term are all on the school website (under Events) and have been re-emailed to you and Facebooked today.
Important ones to note:
Mid-term reports are out to parents on Thursday 8th February.
Parents evenings are in March – Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th March (Year 6 dates = Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th March due to the WICKED visit on the Wednesday).
For parents and carers of children in 4AH, Mrs Huxtable is arranging additional dates in the last week of this term to see parents as she was unable to do her October parents evenings due to her surgery. A separate letter is being sent out to all of you today with further information.
Friends of Whitefield meeting - Tuesday 16th January, 6pm at The Brown Hare. Come along and support Nicola in her first meeting as Chair! All are welcome.
Good luck to Whitefield FC who are travelling to Blackburn Rovers tomorrow (Saturday) to take part in the Blackburn Cup final.