4 October 2018
Mrs Foster’s News – 4th October 2018
A few reminders for the diary –
Parent’s Evening letters were sent home last week and should be returned to your child’s class teacher. Appointment times will be going out this Friday.
If you haven’t received a letter, please contact the school office. Parent evenings are on Tuesday 9th October from 3.40-6.20 and on Wednesday 10th October from 4.30-6.50. A crèche is available on both days for Whitefield school children only in Mr Keogh’s room. Children MUST be signed in to crèche by a parent.
It was a lovely day in school on Friday last week as we supported Galloways Bright for Sight Day. We welcomed Roya Armstrong from Galloways in to school for two special assemblies and Roya taught the children about foods that are good for our eyes and also showed us some of the things that the money we raise helps to buy for those people who are blind or partially sighted. One machine that fascinated us all was a small gadget that told the person what colour something was. We raised a brilliant £363.29 (not sure where the 29p came from!). Thank you everyone for your support.
We have two special assemblies in school next week – the first is on Monday when Mr Turner from the Royal British Legion will be in with us again to launch this year’s poppy appeal. The children really love it when Mr Turner comes to see us as he tells us all about life before televisions and iphones and when everyone used to go home at lunchtime for their dinner.
On Thursday, we welcome Major Alex from the Salvation Army who will be launching our Harvest appeal for this year. Our Harvest assembly in school will be on Thursday 18th October and we will be asking for donations of tinned products and dried goods for the Salvation Army and Penwortham Food Bank. Major Alex will give us more information but if you wish to start sending in any donations, please do.
Friends of Whitefield– we are meeting to plan events on Monday 15th October, 6pm in the Brown Hare – please come and join us. If you haven’t been before and would like to come, please come and see me and I can introduce you to the friendly group.
Our first big event will be on Tuesday 16th October where we will be hosting the Community Cinema in the school hall at 3.30pm. The film being shown is Paddington 2 and all the children will receive a bag of goodies to eat and drink during the film. Ticket request slips went home this week.
We have had lots of visitors in school in the last few weeks as parents are looking at Whitefield as their first choice for their children in September 2019. We continue to offer tours of school every Wednesday at 9.30 and 11am and will arrange other times if you can’t do a Wednesday morning. You will get to hear all about our fantastic school and the children will tell you lots of information too. There are always some funny and interesting conversations to be had with the children when I show parents round, one yesterday being, “I thought you didn’t like babies any more Mrs Foster?” (meaning I am now loving my fur baby dogs but it sounded like I really was Ms Trunchball).
I’ve had some parking complaints come in to school in the last week and it was good to see the traffic warden outside school last night – she told me we had been ‘flagged’ on her list so thank you to all of you who have worked with us to ensure we report all our parking and driving concerns. However, it is still the same cars and vans that park irresponsibly and dangerously putting our children’s lives at risk. A reminder that the entrance to school is not a turning circle nor a drop off point. You may be getting your own child in to school safely but you are risking the lives of others. Please continue to report incidents to us and also via the Lancashire Police.
Both myself and Mr Keogh have been overwhelmed with the support from parents wishing to sponsor our sports kits and from families who were happy to donate funds without a company sponsorship. We are getting funds in to the school bank account as we speak and Mr Keogh cannot wait to get the kits ordered. A huge thank you to the Simpson family, the Turner family and Urban Krav Maga, the Collison family and Lawncare, the Allison family and Novus. Thanks to your generosity we are able to purchase new football kits as well as sports kit for our athletics and netball teams as well as kit for the other sporting activities we attend throughout the year.