17 January 2019

Mrs Foster’s News
A little belated but a Happy New Year to you all!
It’s been a really busy back to school start for us at Whitefield. I’ve spent all this week in my office in meetings which sounds awful but it has been great. I have been meeting with all the class teachers, as we do every term, and we have talked through all of the children in each class to ensure they are on working at their age-related expectations and ensuring the appropriate support is in place for them to make good progress.
It has been so great to hear the teachers talk about your children, not just their academic abilities and their progress but all those little things they do that make them so special! I have chuckled a lot!
Mid-year reports will be out to you in the last week of this term. This gives you an indication of how your child is working, including the effort being made. Parents evening dates were sent out in the date list before Christmas – these are after half term.
Friday is our Sports for Champions event and we are delighted to welcome Eden Francis to our school. It’s also ‘wear what you want’ day this Friday – wear something sporty if you can!
The governors are all in school on Friday afternoon and will be coming in to classes to talk to the children and look at their books. We hold a governor conference every year and we will spend the morning training with Neil Yates from Lancashire Governor Services and be in school afterwards.
And we are currently planning for our Internet Safety Week in school which takes place w/b Monday 4th February – more information to follow.
Friends of Whitefield update – the Community Cinema is on Tuesday 12th February. More details to follow.
A couple of staff updates:
Miss Nuttall was successful in an internal school appointment before Christmas and is now working alongside the leadership team in school focusing on children who are working at greater depth in all subject areas.
The structure of the Assistant Headteachers stays the same with Mrs Adams the line manager for Years 5 and 6, Mrs Willers for Year 3 and 4 and Miss King for Years 1 and 2.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns, your first port of call is your child’s class teacher – you may be able to see them on the door before or after school or if you need a more detailed discussion, contact the office and we’ll arrange a time to get together.
And Mrs Smith has added a new string to her bow – she has qualified as a yoga teacher! Congratulations Mrs Smith!