31 January 2019

Mrs Foster’s News
Firstly, well done to everyone for getting in to school as safely as possible following the snow and then the awful ice this morning.
We had a brilliant day in school yesterday with some great snowmen making competitions, a brilliant Y3 maths challenge to make a snowball that weighed half a kilogram, spellings in the snow in Year 1 and lots of science solids and liquids work going on too!
There’s been some great things going on in school this week. As well as our story telling assemblies every day, I have listened to outstanding poetry about the war in Year 6 (shout out to Elena as I know mum and dad will be reading this out to you! Your poem gave me goosebumps, it was beautiful). I have seen some Year 1 handwriting that has improved immensely since the start of the year (Keira and Rueben – whoop whoop!) and seen the Y4SAS’s joy as the received their Friend of Whitefield Christmas gift at last from Santa – a stage to perform their songs, dance and poetry!
Next week is Internet Safety Week so the children will be continuing to learn about staying safe whilst using the internet, playing games and using social media.
We had our governors in school last Friday to look at some of the work the children have been doing to improve their writing across English and other curriculum areas. The governors loved seeing school in action and talking to the children about Whitefield and their learning.
Can I remind all parents and carers that school starts at 9.00am and doors open at 8.50am – we operate a breakfast club (BOLA) for any children who need to be dropped off early due to parent work commitments. We do not have supervision for children on the playground before these times. Far too many KS2 children are arriving for school at 8.30 and even earlier and this is interfering with the essential safeguarding of the BOLA children using the KS2 playground. If you do drop your child off at school at this time then you must stay with them or you can speak to Liz in BOLA about booking them in for a breakfast club session.
The next Friends of Whitefield event will be our Community Cinema on Tuesday 12th February at 3.45pm to watch The Incredibles 2. All information regarding this event has been emailed to parents and is available to view on the school Facebook page. It’s a new payment and permission system this time so please read and check the details carefully.
Don’t forget, we close for the Spring half term on Friday 15th February at 3.30pm. BOLA is open for children until 6pm.
We reopen on Monday 25th February.