21 March 2019
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY before the end of term.
It’s the Friends of Whitefield DISCO on Tuesday next week.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children from 6-7pm and Years 3-6 from 7.15-78.15pm.
Tickets available on line via the link sent out/on facebook.
At our governors meeting last night, we talked about Lancashire County Council’s proposal to become a plastic free local authority and this linked with discussions I have had with the Friends of Whitefield and the Year 6 leadership team in recent weeks.
All of the drinks that we offer at the FoW disco come in non-recyclable plastic so we are going to start trying to change that. For this disco, drinks will be available but we are recommending the children bring their own re-useable drinks bottle with their choice of drink inside (no fizz though remember!). They will be able to refill their bottles from our water fountains should they dance so much they need more fluids.
Let’s give it a go and see if we can start helping Whitefield and Lancashire become more environmentally friendly.
Monday 1st April, 9-10.30 is our Jubilee Ministries Coffee (and Cake) morning. The children must come in to school as normal and register with their class teacher. Parents can make their way to the school hall and there will be runners available who will go and collect your child from their classroom so they can come and have a cuppa and cake with you.
All children will be able to purchase the leftover cakes at break time so bring in 20p for a cake.
w/c 1st April – this is World Autism Awareness Week and we are in the process of planning our assemblies so that children at Whitefield can learn more about autism and the diversity of our Whitefield community.
Assemblies will be on Tuesday 2nd April and on Friday 5th April we are having a Wear What You Want Day where we dress in all the colours of the rainbow so we can create our own rainbow spectrum of individuality. Bring a £1 too so we can donate to the National Autistic Society.
And don’t forget we close for Easter on Friday 5th April, 3.30pm with BOLA open until 6pm.
We re-open on Tuesday 23rd April, 7.30am for BOLA, 8.50am for everyone!