27 March 2019

Mrs Foster’s News
Some great things happening in school over the last couple of weeks and the coming final week of term.
Thank you to our brilliant PTFA Friends of Whitefield for another great disco on Tuesday. The extended time was a good choice and so many of you are now paying on line that it makes entry so much quicker, so thank you all for that. It was great to see so many of the children bring their own re-useable bottles too. Far less plastic that can’t be recycled at the end of the evening. And as always, thanks to Tash and John for some great music (apart from that weird raving marshmallow one at the end…). I danced for pretty much the full two hours and can feel it this morning!
The next School/FoW event will be our hosting of live music acts during Penwortham Live weekend on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th May – wristbands available from the school office.
You’ll probably have heard the brilliant football news – our boys team won the Northern EFL Final a fortnight ago in Sheffield and are now moving on to play in the final against Brentford at Wembley. An amazing achievement so far and it will be such a great experience for all the boys. I’m quite excited too, having never been to a football match in my previous 47 years, this will be my first!
It’s World Autism Awareness Week next week and we are holding a wear what you want day on Friday, the last day of term. We want to create our own spectrum of colour to represent the 395 different personalities at our school so wear bright colours and bring £1 for the charity. We will be learning more about autism too through our assemblies and our work in class.
We have decided to enter Penwortham in Bloom this year and the school theme for the year is the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. If you have any old wellington boots hanging around, please can you donate them to our PiB project! Thank you.
This week, we have been looking at the issues surrounding our local roads and the number of cars, parking issues and speeding cars. The children have been discussing this in assemblies and in class and are coming up with a plan for tackling the on-going problem. They have some great ideas – ‘tickets’ for those parked in an unsafe place; rewards for sensible parking; placards; hi-viz parking assistants to name a few. We’ll be starting after the Easter holidays. You have been warned!
Mrs Huxtable will be coming back to us at the end of the summer term following the birth of baby Matty. It will be great to have her back!
And Mr Keogh is finally marrying his one true love, Hayley during the Easter holidays. We pray for good weather and a wonderful day!