4 September 2019

Mrs Foster’s News September 2019
A huge welcome back and big Whitefield hug to you all at the start of our new academic year. It was so lovely to see you all yesterday and today. Having spent 6 weeks with a 12 year old who suddenly finds her mother totally uncool and boring, it was great to be back with Team Whitefield.
A few things that have happened over the summer:
Miss Woodworth has returned as Mrs Nugent after a beautiful wedding to Dan in Greece. Congratulations Mrs Nugent!
Miss Ashcroft has returned with a rather large baby bump! Not long now! That has gone really fast. Miss Ashcroft is hoping to stay with us for another five weeks. We’ll see what Baby Bump says about that.
Mrs Williams (Year 3) has been very poorly over the summer and hasn’t been able to join us at the start of term. But I have spoken to her this week and she is getting much better and should be back with us soon.
And we welcome to our Whitefield Family Mrs Ginty in Year 1 (yes she is Mr Ginty’s wife!) and Miss Moore in Reception.
And if you’ve been lucky enough to drop the children off or pick them up from school, you will have noticed our new entrance to school has had a makeover. It was a bit like one of those ’60 minute makeover’ programmes on Monday trying to get it all ready, but they did! No more queuing in the rain to speak to the office! And we have a small meeting room just off the entrance if you need to speak to someone at the beginning or end of the day. I’ve told Mrs Garry she’s not allowed to make everyone take their shoes off before the come in.
It was lovely looking through Facebook yesterday and seeing all the ‘back to school’ photos. Good luck to all our Year 6 leavers from the summer who have all started high school yesterday.
We welcomed two new children to our school this week – welcome to Jack in Year 5 and to Luke in Year 4.
We have also started welcoming our new Reception children! Ten very happy faces coming in to school this morning and no tears at all! All the Reception children will be in school by next Friday.
Do you have or know someone who has a child due to start school in September 2020? Applications for places need to be completed by January 2020 and we start doing our tours around school from next week. Contact school to book an tour – always on a Thursday but we can always fit you in if you can’t do that day.
A few reminders as we start the new school year.
Everyone looked so smart yesterday for the start of school. If you haven’t done so already, please label all your child’s uniform.
Summer uniform can be worn until October half term – September is usually a lovely warm month…
The children have already started doing PE so ensure their PE kits are in school.
Contacting staff:
If you need to speak to your child’s class teacher and cannot catch them at the beginning or end of the day, please contact the school office on 01772 744449. Alternatively you can email admin@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk
Individual class teacher email addresses are no longer available for contacting teachers directly.
School leadership structure:
Should you need to speak to someone other than your child’s class teacher, our leadership structure is below:
For children in Years 5 and 6 – ask to speak to Mrs Adams
For children in Years 3 and 4 – ask to speak to Miss King
For children in Years 1 and 2 – ask to speak to Mrs Willers
For children in Reception, ask to speak to Mrs Nugent.
We welcomed Brenda from the charity Seeds of Grace back to school on Wednesday. She came to talk to us about the children in Uganda who have benefited from the work of the charity. She showed us the new church and the charity has asked the children what they would like for the church and they have said a DRUM KIT!
So we are holding a fundraising day on Friday 13th September to help raise money to buy the Ugandan children a drum kit for their church! More details to follow.