6 September 2019
6th September 2019
Current Reception children – Year 1 in September
FA qualified football coaches offering football coaching for all abilities for children in year 1 from September 2019.
The football will start straight from school finishing and will finish at 5.00pm.
The first practise starts on Monday 9th September and then for the next 5 Monday’s thereafter.
The price of each practise is £2.50 with the full 6 week course needed to be paid in full at the cost of £15.00 before the first practise takes place. This is so the coaches have a greater idea of how many children will be attending the practises so they can set up sessions to enable the children to get the maximum out of each session held.
If you would like your child to attend the course, there are numerous ways to book on. Cash and cheques are accepted and need to be handed in to the school office at your earliest convenience.
You can also contact Just Kick It on the contact details below as online payments are available.
Children will also play for prizes, in the form of sweet cones and small packets of Haribo sweets.
Parents will need to be ready to collect their child/children from the school field where the practises will take place.
For more information please visit WWWJUSTKICKIT.CO.UK or telephone/text Si Halliwell on 07780604574.
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Kind regards
Si Halliwell