21 April 2020


20th April 2020


Thank you to all of you for your amazing help with home learning during this time.  We have started this week with much more focused objectives and tasks for the children to do and have started using Seesaw for the children to complete tasks and submit them for marking by the teachers. 

This seems to be working well so far (it’s 11.55am on Monday morning…!). If you have contacted us via the tech support email (techhelp@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk) please be patient in awaiting a response as Mr Ginty is doing all of this and is also on childcare duties today in his house too!

Seesaw tasks will be set daily so every morning there should be a new task to complete. 

Today we have uploaded the next 2 weeks of planning to the home learning area on the school website (PARENTS; HOME LEARNING) and have also emailed and sent via the app. This is for TWO WEEKS so doesn’t need completing by the end of play today!  The links to Seesaw on these plans are the tasks that will be popping up every day so there is no need to double up on those activities.

And remember, there are so many other great things the children can be doing too – if he is your thing, Joe Wicks continues to do his morning PE session, we have linked some Lancashire Sports activities to the website today, keep walking and looking for rainbows, Whitefield Waves, coloured stones, rainbow flowers.

I have seen some of you out and about and I know one of you has learnt how to stain the decking, one of you has been colouring all the bricks on the driveway and one of you has learnt how to ride your bike without stabilisers!  All great skills to be learning and doing as well as your school work!


Every day there is a teacher and teaching assistant in school working with the children of the critical workers.

On the majority of days, the main school office is manned by Mrs Anforth or Mrs Molloy – if you call and we do not answer please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

A member of the senior leadership team is on site every day too – either myself, Mrs Adams, Ms Garry or Miss Nuttall.


This has got to be the best idea for a day EVER! Stay in your pyjamas all day and just read. We have emailed and apped further information to you today – we’ll put a post on Facebook for you to send your photos and messages.


There were so many great plans in place for this Bank Holiday that unfortunately have had to be shelved, but the country is looking to host a ‘stay at home in your front garden’ street party on  Friday 8th May to celebrate VE day.  You can dress your house up in red, white and blue and even dress up in those colours yourself and have a picnic in the front or back garden.  Sounds like a great idea and I can’t wait to see what the neighbours on Birch Avenue do!  They hold great socially distancing parties!


Don’t forget, if you are both critical workers and have no other childcare option, please get in touch with us at school via telephone 01772 744449 or by emailing bursar@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk to discuss how we can support you.


Despite reports in the media over the weekend, there is no date for school to reopen. So for now, we continue as we are. As soon as we know through official government channels, we will let you know.

IN OUR HOUSE – Mr Foster doesn’t even seem to realise there is a lockdown and a pandemic. He works from home anyway and doesn’t really like other humans so it’s normal life for him. He always socially distances himself from people.  And Milly is loving home learning.  And Minecraft. And Roblox. And all the social media that allows her to stay in contact with her friends and actually see them on screen.  I have rediscovered my love of jigsaws and reading, and am trying to perfect the best oat biscuit recipe…

Missing all your faces.  Be safe everyone.  We will be back together soon.

