8 January 2015
Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a lovely two weeks - I was going to say 'restful' but this holiday is usually a busy one, isn't it! It was lovely to see all the children back in school, looking so smart on Monday. It's hard getting back in to the routine and there has been some tired faces this week (adults included!) so early nights needed this weekend so that we are all ready for learning.
We start our 2015 with news of our Katy Holmes Charity Day on Friday 16th January (next Friday). You will recall last year we supporting the Katy Holmes Charity, and the school council have continued to do so this year. For new families to school, Katy was a local girl who died from a brain tumour in January 2012. The charity set up in her name is raising money to raise awareness and support research in to paediatric brain tumours. You can find out more information at www.katyholmestrust.co.uk.
I am also delighted that the Friends of Whitefield have chosen to support this charity and have agreed to match the money we raise as a school - amazing and thank you to them!
We are having a simple but effective theme this year - EVERYDAY SUPERHEROES. So your child can come as someone from the community who is a hero like a policeman, a nurse, a teacher (!) or they can come as one of their favourite comic book heroes. Don't forget to bring a £1 for the charity too. As well as learning about the charity, this will also be a launch for our Reason to Write project which we are doing in school this term to promote writing (more info on this to follow!).
The Friends of Whitefield are also holding another community cinema event for Whitefield children on Wednesday 21st January after school. Ticket requests have already been sent out so check school bags! This is a really popular event so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Continuing with our Friends of Whitefield theme - you may have noticed some new football nets on both playgrounds this week. If you haven't seen them you have probably heard about them! They have been requested by the Year 6 pupil leadership team and have taken a while to arrive but finally did on Tuesday. So no more jumpers used as goal posts! And on Thursday, we took delivery of 8 new picnic benches, 4 of which are between the Reception building and the Y2 and 3 door, and 4 that are in the quiet area of the top playground. A fabulous resource for playtimes as well as for lessons - Miss Nuttall's maths group are going out this morning to do their mental maths outside! All of these have been purchased through the money raised by the Friends of Whitefield team, so through all the support and donations you give to school. I send HUGE thanks from myself, the staff, the governors and the children to all our families.
Year 2 families - don't forget, it is the Y2 SEAL assembly on Friday 23rd January, at 2.30pm. All parents, grandparents and friends are welcome. Remember, this is a change to the date that was advertised in September.